As many of you know, we’re building our very first home! To say we’re excited is an understatement!! It’s always been a dream to be able to completely customize a house that fits our personality and be able to share that space as we entertain with our closest friends and family.
We’ve owned many houses but it’s never really felt like a home with a real fresh start. Kind of like jumping into someone else’s dream design. We wanted more!
The idea of building our own home from start to finish began earlier this year. It’s always been a dream of ours to build a brand new house and design everything exactly the way that we want it! There’s so much symbolic meaning for our family with this new home. It’s allowing us to start a fresh new chapter in a brand new home, in a brand new location and in a brand new area that will allow us to grow and expand in so many different areas of our lives!
Now that we’re building our own home, I’ve always wanted to write prayers on the wood and concrete before the drywall is placed. So today as a family we did just that!
I think one of the most humbling and fulfilling moments as a parent happened today. Watching our son, Ethan, write his prayers on the walls and knowing that his prayers were about everyone else. His heart is solid in his faith and as I may be biased, I’m pretty sure we have one special young man! Below are his prayers. 🙏🏻😭
Yeah, this mama had lots of tears today!
We want our home to be a place of tranquility and peace with a sense of refuge. When you walk into our front doors, I pray that those who enter will immediately feel God's presence. I want his love to be so consumed in our home that no harm or evil can even step foot!

Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on SOLID ROCK!
– Matthew 7:24
Our house will be exactly that! Built on solid rock! As we may have moments of sadness, hurt, anger and everything else that this world will bring our way, I know for certain that our walls will not tremble!

Some prayers in our bedroom

I’m ending this Sunday completely blessed and looking forward to starting this new chapter in our home. I hope this inspires you to do the same! Whether you’re renting a home, own a home or building a home, speak God’s word in every room and rebuke the enemy out of your house! Claim your sanctuary and destroy everything that’s not bearing fruit in your life!
God is our reward and treasure. Seek him first and make him the center of your family!

If you need strength, if you need wisdom, if you need a refreshing over your marriage or family…. sister HE IS THE WAY! Our sins are great, but his LOVE IS GREATER!

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